During February 2024, a care recipient informed of having known to be HCV RNA positive, but due to his drug use behavior he couldn’t initiate treatment. The data enumerators provided the care recipient with required pre-treatment counseling and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. His family supported the pre-treatment test, required by government guidelines, […]
Author: admin
Drug use relapse: Peer support and knowing cure from HCV infection
During December, 5 care recipients shared having completed their HCV treatment. None of them have undergone SVR 12 test to know whether they have been cured from the HCV infection. The main reason for their inability to get the SVR 12 test done was because of relapsing to drug use. Our data enumerators provided them […]
Potential stock-shortage averted
In late January 2024, a care recipient noted a shortage of direct-acting antiviral (DAA) at his end, with three pills remaining and possibly not getting refill on time for continued treatment. Data enumerator promptly liaised with the Provincial Health Office. It was confirmed that a stock replenishment, including 30 bottles of Elbasvir/Grazoprevir, 168 bottles of […]
Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir added in national formulary following agreement in protest
May 2023, the community groups in Indonesia organized a protest rally against stock-shortage of direct-acting antivirals used for treatment of hepatitis C. During negotiations at the end of the protest, it was agreed that sofosbuvir/velpatasvir will be added to the national formulary to enable procurements of the same through national programs. Since December 2023, sofosbuvir/velpatasvir […]
Community-led monitoring in action
Community-led monitoring (CLM) has gained momentum in recent years as revitalized and reimagined intervention that mobilizes communities affected by health inequalities to monitor how services are provided and co-create solutions with key partners to improve them. CLM as part of the community-led response is playing a significant role in bridging the “last mile” gaps by […]
Having national program doesn’t mean people will be aware
During the data collection in during December 2023, we identified a person who have confirmed HCV RNA test result but have not initiated his HCV treatment. The reason he cited was because he was unaware of the services available under the national viral hepatitis control program or any further information. Action Taken: Staff from CoNE […]
Care recipient responses leading to health facility suggestion box
Responses from care recipients at Labuang Baji Regional General Hospital (South Sulawesi, Indonesia) indicated that 57% of the care recipients were not aware suggestion box and 40% mentioned there is no suggestion box at the facility. Action taken: Discussions were held with the facility manager and head of the clinic to provide a suggestion box. […]
Enabling hepatitis C treatment using insurance
During data collection, data enumerators, also engages care recipients on other areas of healthcare such as challenges in health insurance, including overdue payment of premiums which may hinder access to treatment since the pre-treatment tests are covered by the insurance. Discussions between data enumerator and hepatitis program managers at the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office […]
Access to Treatment: Power of peers
A family member of a person living with hepatitis C approached Peduli Hati Bangsa during July, through social media channels to inquire about availability of medicines to treat hepatitis C in Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, West Java. Peduli Hati Team followed up with the hospital team and they confirmed that there has been a stock […]
Getting cured from hepatitis C
A person undergoing hepatitis C treatment in Fatmawati hospital approached Peduli Hati with concerns that she might not be able to access sofosbuvir/daclatasvir for the 6th month of treatment as there was stock out during March. She was also diagnosed with a cirrhotic liver and had obtained 5 months of medicines from the hospital. Action […]