Tag: advogains

Successfully assisting for re-treatment of HCV

On 2nd of April 2024, we came across a person who use drugs who had completed his HCV treatment in November 2021with Sofosbuvir 400 mg & daclatasvir 60 mg for 12 weeks. Later he found that the treatment had failed while doing his SVR 12 test. But unfortunately, he was not really bothered about possible […]

Peer PWID filling the gap of viral hepatitis awareness

During March 2024, we interviewed a person who has not done his HCV RNA test after being HCV antibody reactive two years ago. He was not aware of the HCV services available under the National Viral Hepatitis Control Program. Action Taken: Our data enumerators provided him with counselling about the interpretation of HCV antibody reactive result and […]

Implementation guidelines for Community-led monitoring (CLM) of hepatitis B and C services in Indonesia

The Indonesian Directorate General of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, Ministry of Health in collaboration with Peduli Hati Bangsa, Jakarta has developed “Implementation guidelines for Community-led monitoring (CLM) of hepatitis B and C services in Indonesia”. This is the first national program adoption of indicators developed by community groups on hepatitis B and C.   […]

HIV treatment re-initiated, hepatitis B status completely informed and hepatitis C treatment initiated

During February in a voluntary drug treatment program, we interacted with a street-based person who use drugs who shared having stopped his HIV related anti- retroviral treatment for the last one year which he attributed to his drug use habits. The data enumerators, upon counselling also provided screening for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and […]

Using drugs doesn’t mean cannot be on treatment for HCV

During February 2024, a care recipient informed of having known to be HCV RNA positive, but due to his drug use behavior he couldn’t initiate treatment. The data enumerators provided the care recipient with required pre-treatment counseling and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. His family supported the pre-treatment test, required by government guidelines, […]

Potential stock-shortage averted

In late January 2024, a care recipient noted a shortage of direct-acting antiviral (DAA) at his end, with three pills remaining and possibly not getting refill on time for continued treatment. Data enumerator promptly liaised with the Provincial Health Office. It was confirmed that a stock replenishment, including 30 bottles of Elbasvir/Grazoprevir, 168 bottles of […]