Listening to community and enabling procurements

On 29 May 2023, Peduli Hati, the Director General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices, and representatives of the Communication and Public Service Bureau and the Indonesian CDC discussed procurement of additional hepatitis C medicines and rapid molecular testing machines using the national Global Fund budget.

Action taken: By July 2023, there was an agreement to procure the below medicines and machines for the national hepatitis treatment program.

  1. For 2023: 8,978 bottles of sofosbuvir/daclatasvir for 2023 @ $24 per bottle.
  2. For 2023: 50 rapid molecular testing machines to be jointly used by HIV and hepatitis programs costing $30,224 per machine
  3. For 2024 to 2026: 4,600 bottles per year of sofosbuvir/daclatasvir @ $24 per bottle