DAA stock-out protest rally in Jakarta

Indonesia has been experiencing stock-outs of the hepatitis C medicine daclatasvir since April 2023.

Through their community-led monitoring (CLM) program documenting delivery of viral hepatitis care and treatment services, Peduli Hati previously identified several shortages of hepatitis C medicines, which were rapidly resolved after advocacy meetings with the Indonesian Ministry of Health. However, due to ongoing delays in addressing this issue, Peduli Hati with other community organizations carried out a protest rally on 29 May 2023 to demand immediate procurement of the needed medicines. It also was emphasized that the government should collaborate with community members to develop future hepatitis C medicine purchasing plans in order to avoid further shortages.

Following the protest rally, Peduli Hati and other community members met with officials from the Ministry of Health, the Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, and the Communication and Public Service Bureau.

It was agreed that:

  1. There will be two funding sources to purchase hepatitis C medicines: the government of Indonesia’s state budget and the Global Fund.
  2. The government would procure daclatasvir with their own state funds so that the medicine would reach Indonesia by June 2023 (2 months earlier than if only Global Fund resources were used).
  3. The fixed-dose combination of the hepatitis C medicines sofosbuvir and velpatasvir is in the process of being included in the national formulary list and will be initially procured with Global Fund resources, with an estimated arrival in the country by December 2023.
  4. The government will procure an additional 50 rapid molecular testing machines for joint used by HIV and hepatitis C programs.
  5. A viral hepatitis working group will be formed with community involvement to
    • a) coordinate hepatitis program planning,
    • b) act as a quick response team to address emerging issues, and
    • c) serve in an oversight capacity.